Panvica 2025
Panvica 2025, Kemp Manínska tiesňava, 25 – 27. 7. 2025.
6th Summer meeting of handpan enthusiasts in Slovakia and the Czech Republic.
– In cottages for 2, 4 and 5 persons, Each cabin has its own refrigerator.
– On an open area within the campsite.
– Parking is available right next to cabins.
– We will create our own town in the camp with a main shelter and a fireplace.
The camp provides basic services such as showers and toilets.
Pool sourced from nearby spring will be available within camp site.
As part of the program, you can expect:
– Evening live performances and open mic!
– Handpan workshops for beginners and advanced
– Raffle with interesting prizes!
– A lot of jamms with handpans
– Rhythm workshops
– Morning and evening Yoga
– Cocoa ceremony
– Breathing workshop
– Drumming session
– Fire show
– Night fire
– Various games
Meal service is optional and includes full pension for two days, from Friday lunch to Sunday morning in the form of a buffet.
Cook will be like the last couple years provided by Pali Oravec, so we have something to look forward to! Again a reminder that you need to bring your own plate and cutlery.
If someone does not want a meal as part of the event, they can help themselfs or take advantage of the possibility of cooking in the camp site kitchen.
Important information, what you need to take with you:
– Good mood 🙂
– Handpan, who doesn’t have one, there will be plenty of instruments on site to borrow and try out
– Any other instruments such as djembe, trumpets, fluets, guitars … based on your taste
– Swimsuit, blanket / mat – There will be pool available within camp site sourced from natural spring
– Just fir sure a raincoat or warm clothes
Accommodation can be booked by sending an email to, based on first-come, first-served basis.
The entrance fee for the event will be 40 Eur.
Fee includes all accompanying events and one raffle ticket.
Optional price for full pension for 2 days: 50 Eur.
Children from 5 to 15 entry to the event 10 Euros and full pension for 2 days 30 Euros.
Children under 5 years free.
Bank account for payment of entry fee: SK30 8360 5207 0042 0601 5855
Put your full name or others names into payment description.
Everyone chooses accommodation within the camp site according to their price list. Only you need to let us know via email where you would like to accomodate in cabis to make reservation for you.
Upon entry in camp reception you need to pay for chosen place to accomodate. Their price list is available at their web site:
PS: As part of the event, it will also be possible to tune handpan instruments from the producers who will be present, or from others makers depending on the condition of the instrument.
Sponzors of raffle:
– Mishte Instruments
– …
We are looking forward to you!
Nina a Marek.